Environmental monitoring

Automated emission monitoring systems, equipment. Measures to comply with environmental safety in accordance with FZ-252 and FZ-219.

According to Federal Law No. 252-FZ dated July 29, 2018, clause 9 (supplementing Federal Law 219): “ at facilities of the 1st category, stationary sources of emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants generated during the operation of technical devices, equipment or their combination (installations), the types of which established by the Government of the Russian Federation, must be equipped with automatic means of measuring and recording indicators of emissions of pollutants and (or) discharges of pollutants, as well as technical means of recording and transferring information to the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, based on the program for creating an automatic control" .

Automated emission monitoring systems (ASMV) for industrial enterprises:

  • Provide automatic continuous measurement and accounting of the volume or mass of pollutant emissions, in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law 219 dated July 21, 2014
  • Record and transmit information about the volume and / or mass of pollutant emissions to external systems
  • Minimizes the impact of the human factor on the acquired data
  • Remotely inform in real time about emissions that pollute the atmosphere, about each emission source on which a monitoring system for gas and dust emissions is installed
  • Compared to national and international emission limits
  • Automated reporting of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere

Technology for the formation of environmental monitoring systems.

  1. Pre-design survey. Passing all the necessary examinations. Creation of working documentation in the design office.
  2. Optimal selection of equipment, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise.
  3. System production. Testing. System tests before shipment to the Customer. A control system for testing has been developed.
  4. Installation supervision, commissioning, training of the Customer' s employees in working with the systems.
  5. Warranty and post-warranty service of environmental monitoring systems.

ASKM System Diagram

In 2020, 2 automatic systems for continuous monitoring of emissions at two control points were installed, with a full range of emission measurements, as well as data processing and storage.

Negotiations and pre-design studies are underway with a number of the largest petrochemical, mining and processing and oil refining enterprises in the Russian Federation.

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